Friday, July 31, 2009

Lies from the Left

There is always room for legitimate differences with regard to a politician and their policies. What I can't stomach are the blogs out there that spread absolute lies about someone they don't like. I don't care for Jim Doyle and I feel he is completely wrong for Wisconsin, but I will not knowingly spread lies about him or his administration. What's even worse is that when confronted with the truth, these blogs continue to lie.

The Hispanic Conservative blog does a great job of dispelling lies about Scott Walker's objections to some of the "stimulus" money.

A Useful Fiction about Milwaukee Executive Scott Walker

Have you ever become proficient on an issue only to see some partisan hack deliberately skew the facts hoping that others won’t see the deception? We see revisionist history all the time. But let’s be honest, even reasonable people can have different interpretations of an event. However, it’s something entirely different when someone skews the facts even though he was corrected on it in the past. This article is about correcting those who feel the need to tell the same fiction over and over again.

Back in January, there was a big ruckus over a story published in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about Scott Walker refusing federal stimulus funds. Columnist Steve Schultz entitled his piece, “Walker Says No Thanks to Federal Stimulus Dollars”, implying that Walker would reject any available stimulus funding for Milwaukee County. After local leaders and politicians had responded harshly to Walker’s position, Walker published an editorial a week later in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel trying to clarify his position.

Local liberal bloggers went wild with the story and recycled the same old content ad nauseam in their posts for months – yes, I said for months. After awhile, it got nauseating. So I decided to do some research to see if Walker was getting a fair shake. I rummaged the internet reading article after article. I read every relevant piece on the topic in the local media. I also read both of Walker’s editorials, one in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and the other in the Wall Street Journal. After reading many opposing points of view, I called the Walker Office to verify if Schultze had in deed misrepresented Walker's position. The answer was a resounding “yes.”

Go read the rest

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Now, let's get to work electing Scott Walker

While I applaud the massive effort that went into the campaign to recall Doyle (and the reason for the recall) I believe this is the right decision.

W.I.N. Decides to Halt Governor Doyle Recall
The Liberty Tree Lantern was informed yesterday afternoon by Vince Schmuki, a leader of Wisconsin Interests Now (W.I.N.), that the groups efforts to recall Governor Doyle have been halted.


Further, we all know getting a good guy in as Gov. is not enough because we would then have a Walker/Milwaukee County Board gridlock situation repeated all over again. We must remove bad small-time players and get nomination papers circulated for good conservative candidates who can replace them and help out a conservative Governor. We have been in the past and can still be a force for change in our state in 2010.

We can still have a long lasting positive impact for the betterment of our state if we learn from our mistakes, refocus and move on to the next citizen effort. I hope that you will join in the vision and understand.

- - Vince Schmuki/ Representing WIN-Wisconsinites Interest Now

We're too close to the 2010 election and ALL efforts should be put into electing Scott Walker as our next Governor and getting him the help he needs in the legislature.

THIS is leadership that Wisconsin Needs!

Walker Touts Fiscal Frugality
Walker has been Milwaukee County executive since 2002, when he won a special election. Since taking office Walker said he has had seven straight budgets with no tax levy increases from previous years, has cut debt by 10 percent, improved the county's bond rating and reduced Milwaukee County government's workforce by more than 20 percent.

Contrast that to Jim Doyle. Governor Doyle has raised taxes, increased debt, increased spending and went back on his campaign promise to cut 10,000 positions.

Scott Walker will bring the leadership our state needs.

Inept Doyle Administration

Wow...strong words. Even the ultra liberal Capital Times in Madison knows how inept Doyle and his administration is.

... Doyle shares the blame.

His Department of Commerce is a ridiculously inept agency that spends most of its time preparing press releases that try to explain why old factories are closing and new ones are locating elsewhere. And he seems to be more interested in taking "trade missions" to distant lands than in rolling up his sleeves and doing everything necessary to retain what remains of Wisconsin's manufacturing sector.

Read the rest

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why doesn't Jim Doyle like Wisconsin Companies?

Milwaukee leaders want Talgo production at Super Steel

Huh...what if Jim Doyle would have just asked Super Steel if they wanted a shot at the $47 Million dollar job? Instead, Doyle gives a $47 Million dollar NO-BID contract to a company that isn't even in our country!
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, state Rep. Jon Richards (D-Milwaukee) and other members of the state Legislature this week are requesting that assembly of the trains Wisconsin agreed to purchase earlier this month be done at the Super Steel plant in Milwaukee.

Richards sent a letter co-signed by other members of the Assembly and Senate who represent Milwaukee to Antonio Perez, the president and CEO of Spanish rail care (sic) manufacturer Talgo Inc. The letter encouraged Perez to choose the Super Steel plant in Milwaukee because of the unique benefits this location holds over others in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle announced July 17 that the state will buy two, 14-car trains from Talgo for $47 million under an agreement that includes establishment of new assembly and maintenance facilities in the state. The train sets will be put into service on the Amtrak Hiawatha Service between Chicago and Milwaukee with the cars pulled by existing locomotives.

Super Steel manufactures rail cars as well as metal products and equipment for the railroad, construction, agricultural and industrial markets.

You would think that our Governor would prefer to give the business to a company that already has the capabilities and is located in Wisconsin - Milwaukee County. Wouldn't it have been easier than having to jump through Doyle's hoops now to beg for the business? Could it be Jim Doyle was just playing politics because Fred Luber, known Republican and Walker Supporter is an owner of Super Steel??? Now Super Steel is threatening to move their business elsewhere.

Nice job Doyle, way to save jobs! Maybe next time you could just ASK the Wisconsin company if they would like to compete for the business.


Thanks for stopping by.

I decided to create a place to vent and to share what I hear and see about Jim Doyle and how wrong he is for Wisconsin. I'll be up front and say that this blog will be entirely about retiring Jim Doyle and electing Scott Walker as our next Governor. (Sorry Mr. Neumann, but you should stay in the home building business or run against Feingold. We already have a great candidate.)

I'm honestly not much of a writer, nor do I have a great deal of time to spend here. I don't want to hear about and I’m not going to apologize for grammatical or spelling errors of mine or anyone else that comments. I want to share ideas and hear others thoughts. Sharing thoughts shouldn't require a Masters degree just to please the grammar police.

So, feel free to stop by when you have a chance. I look forward to hearing from you.